
Preserved Apricots


  • 1 kg Apricots, not too ripe
  • 800 ml Water
  • 400g of Sugar
  • Zest of 1 Lemon


  1. Wash the apricots, cut them in half and remove the stone.
  2. In a large pot, add the water and sugar, then add the lemon zest. Simmer on medium heat until the sugar has completely melted, turning into a syrup.
  3. Add the apricots to the hot syrup and cook gently until just tender. Test regularly. Do not overcook the apricots as they will continue to cook once in the jar.
  4. Once your fruit is ready, place your still hot, sterilised jars on a heatproof surface and fill the jars with your fruit.
  5. Tip the syrup over the fruit until it is right to the top and almost overflowing. Gently move a skewer around the inside of the jars to remove any air pockets. If needed, top up with syrup. 
  6. Wipe the rim with a clean cloth then place the seal on and screw on the ring tightly. Leave for 24 hours.
  7. If sealed, the fruit will last for up to a year stored in the pantry. 


If the seal hasn’t worked, the fruit is still edible but should be stored in the fridge and eaten within a week.

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